The Association for Preservation Technology (APT) will host its 2025 conference in Providence, RI, November 11-15.

Conference Website

For general conference information, program, schedule-at-a-glance, field sessions, workshops, and more, see the conference website

Conference Website
Sponsorship Prospectus


Presentation Submission Guidelines

Call for Presentations

Abstracts for General and Student presentations are now being accepted, through February 4, 2025.

Follow this link to learn abou the themes, tracks, and guidelines. Notification of acceptance of presentation and the APT Student Schoalrs will be made in May 2025. 

Call for Workshops
APT Committees and affiliated organizations are invited to submit proposals for Workshops for upcoming APT Conference. Collaboration among all APT members is essential and encouraged. All topics will be considered, but preference will be given to those that support the current year’s conference theme. 

Proposal submissions are due via this form no later than February 28, 2025. Selected Workshops will be notified in March for further development.


Education & Student Program Donors

Thank you to the generous individual and foundation supporters of APT's student education programs at the Providence conference, including the Preservation Education Technical Committee's Student Design-Build Competition: 

Bennett Preservation Engineering