Communiqué is APT's quarterly electronic newsletter designed to foster a sense of community, connect members, and to report news of APT and its chapters, committees, and technical resources.
Communiqué accomplishes this mission by:
Providing a platform for the President and Executive Director to discuss the direction and goals of APT
Publishing announcements for, and coverage of, the annual conference and other APT events
Promoting chapter and committee engagement
Promoting member awareness of chapter and committee activities
Providing a forum for members to share professional news
Building awareness of APT's technical resources through announcements of award winners, new documents on the website, special publications, etc.
Building awareness of other professional resources through references and links to articles, publications, and repositories in the U.S. and Canada, and worldwide.
Each issue of the Communiqué includes articles that focus on recent APT events or provides a preview or wrap-up of APT's annual conference. Communiqué also covers other events such as training workshops; APT chapter and committee news; grant and scholarship opportunities and awards; Members News; the Resource Roundup, a compilation of resources to aid APT members with their projects; and From the Archives, which offers perspectives on APT's history. Members say Communiqué is an important benefit of their APT membership.
Communiqué is published quarterly and the editor welcomes submissions for consideration.
To submit content for consideration, click here. For questions, please contact Megy Karydes, editor of Communiqué,at [email protected].