Technical Committee on Codes and Standards
The APT Technical Committee on Codes and Standards has been periodically active since the 1980s when new Existing Building Codes were being created.
Committee goals and objectives:
- Identify Leadership on the topic of building codes and standards and their impact on cultural resource conservation.
- Establish a forum for discussion of issues relating to building codes and standards in the field of historic preservation
- Annual code committee meeting at the APT annual conference
- APT speakers forum for code topics
- Encourage active and continuous education for professionals from many disciplines who seek a better understanding of building codes and standards and their effect on cultural resources.
- Identify areas of knowledge and practice where further study and/or research is required to establish parameters of practice.
- Establish a process and repository for the documentation, collection, and dissemination of information related to building codes and standards and cultural resource conservation.
- Identify and expand historic building codes and standards on the APT Building Technology Heritage Library.
- Establish ongoing relationships between preservation organizations and codes and standards organizations.
- Identify and undertake initiatives to advance building codes and standards and assess impacts on cultural resource conservation.
Membership is open to all current members of APT with an interest in building codes and standards and history of building technology who are willing to make regular and substantial contribution to the mission of the committee. The committee meets during the APT annual conference.
TBD January 2025
Building Codes and Historic Preservation: Webliography
State and Local Historic Building Codes
Legacy Building Codes Online
Proposed Changes to the International Existing Building Code
Building Codes on Main Street Workshop - August 2-4, 2022