Professional Recognition

In 2018, APT and the APT College of Fellows instituted a program to recognize the expert skill level of individuals in the various fields of preservation technology with a formal recognition of achievement. An APT Recognized Professional is a person who has specialized knowledge, supported by a combination of formal training and/or work experience, in the use of preservation technology in conservation and stewardship of cultural heritage. An APT Recognized Professional conforms to accepted international technical and APT ethical standards and works in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of the person’s specialty preservation field and the appropriate jurisdictions of their practice. Professional recognition allows APT members in good standing to use “APT Recognized Professional” or “APT RP” after their names.  The inaugural class of APT Recognized Professionals was installed at APT’s 50th anniversary conference in September 2018.

Recognition of any candidate or person provided by the Committee on Professional Recognition or by APT does not imply an endorsement, license, or authorization to practice skill sets or services in historic preservation which otherwise require governmental licensing or certification by agencies or organizations. Recognition as an APT Recognized Professional is to demonstrate levels of education, experience, and proficiency within requirements established by APT as a reviewing entity only.

General Call for Applications-now Open as of March 11, 2025

The Standing Committee on Professional Recognition typically announces a general call for applications in March and the online applications are due May 12, 2025. Applications are capped at 24 and successful applicants with be formally recognized during the APT Annual Conference in the Fall. 

Details will be available online to guide applicants, and submissions will include the following requirements: 

  1. APT membership for a period of at least five years including current membership.
  2. A detailed, but concise, compilation of information that demonstrates professional accomplishment consisting of education, experience, and mentorship.
  3. A one-time application fee of $150.
  4. Three letters of reference from preservation or heritage professionals.
  5. Commitment to abide by APT’s Code of Ethics.
Learn More

Questions? Contact Elaine Shapiro, Professional Recognition Committee Chair.



Elaine Shapiro, Professional Recognition Committee Chair

APT Recognized Professionals

Program Description

APT Code of Ethics
